The larger, 12" Exer-Soft Pilates Balls (also known as Pilates mini balls or overballs) are used in Pilates matwork to support parts of the body. This can both provide comfort and also an unstable surface to activate the core, depending on whether they are used under the lower back, knees, or another part of the body.
The large size is especially suited to providing support, however Pilates balls can also be gripped between the hands or legs to provide resistance and targeted muscle activation during Pilates exercises.
Made from soft, grippy PVC with anti-burst technology, these 12" inflatable Pilates Balls are tactile and easy to hold during Pilates sessions, burst resistant up to 100kg, and — if they are punctured — they will slowly and safely deflate rather than suddenly pop! Also included are straws, which can be used to adjust the inflation of the balls, making them firmer and larger or softer and smaller.